
Showing posts from May, 2018

United Airlines write-up

United Airlines is the sixth largest airline in the world with 86,000 employees and has 721 air crafts. They travel more international locations than domestic locations. They travel to 73 countries around the world. Their motto is: Fly the Friendly Skies United has been in the news a lot in the past two years...    - A doctor on an overbooked flight was dragged off the plane, overbooking has also been an issue with United         - Link:       - A German Sheppard was suppose to go to Kansas, but ended up in Japan           - Link:      - The 10-month old French Bulldog who was ordered to be put in the overhead compartment and dies before the flight landed ...

United Airlines

United Airlines is the 6th largest airline in the world, it has over 86,000 employees and 721 aircrafts. United flies to 78 domestic locations and 108 international destinations in 73 countries. I looked up how much it would cost to go to Paris from PDX for 5 days, there are no nonstop flights, but only one stop which is fine. BUT it would cost $1800 dollars for five days. That's a lot in my opinion.  Motto: Fly the Friendly Skies United Airlines has had a lot of major issues lately...     - Dragging a doctor off the plane because the flight was overbooked, which has also been an issue with United.      - The German Shepard going to Japan by accident when it should have gone to Kansas    - The 10-month old French Bulldog after the passengers were ordered by the flight attendant to put his carries in the overhead bin.   htt...