United Airlines

United Airlines is the 6th largest airline in the world, it has over 86,000 employees and 721 aircrafts. United flies to 78 domestic locations and 108 international destinations in 73 countries. I looked up how much it would cost to go to Paris from PDX for 5 days, there are no nonstop flights, but only one stop which is fine. BUT it would cost $1800 dollars for five days. That's a lot in my opinion. 

Motto: Fly the Friendly Skies

United Airlines has had a lot of major issues lately... 
   - Dragging a doctor off the plane because the flight was overbooked, which has also been an issue with United.  https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/10/travel/passenger-removed-united-flight-trnd/index.html 
   - The German Shepard going to Japan by accident when it should have gone to Kansas
   - The 10-month old French Bulldog after the passengers were ordered by the flight attendant to put his carries in the overhead bin.  https://youtu.be/U1Q0XN2vL0c   https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2018/04/04/more-dogs-die-on-united-than-on-any-other-airline-heres-why/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.ec46a796d004
   - The woman who is suing United for racial discrimination. A Nigerian woman and her two kids had seats in business class, but a white man had taken one of the seats, he refused to get up and the flight attendant told her to find another seat. People then complained about her 'pungent odor' and she was told to leave the plane. https://www.economist.com/gulliver/2018/05/15/another-allegation-of-passenger-mistreatment-on-a-united-airlines-flight

If I was the CEO I would definitely meet with everyone and have the staff re-trained and then have progress reports every other month or so.

What has changed: United has reduced overbooking, and has reduced the passengers being bumped off the flight, but that's about it. They say they are against racial discrimination, and they are deeply sorry about the pets that have been killed/ gone to different locations. They have banned certain dog breeds such as Pugs, French Bulldogs, Mastiffs and Pit Bulls, which is not good in my opinion. A spokesman for United stated, “We are doing this to further minimize risk and ensure the comfort of pets we fly,” says Hobart. “Prior to today, we flew all sorts of animals. Geese, foxes, leopards, you name it, we pretty much flew it. That will change moving forward. We’ll only fly dogs and cats as pets that belong to our customers. 

Questions: What would you do if you were the CEO? 
Do you think banning a French Bulldog was a bad idea? What do you think that's saying to the customers? 


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